Beary Scary Halloween
At Grandfather Mountain, Halloween isn’t scary. It’s Beary Scary. Experience mountains of tricks and treats for our annual Halloween celebration, Beary Scary Halloween. The special day features a spooky selection of fun, interactive programs, along with Halloween-themed activities for all the ghouls and boys. Try your hands at Halloween crafts, along with games like Pin the Tail on the Bear, bean-bag toss and more.
Park educators host interactive, autumn-themed nature programs, and guests partake in trick-or-treating through the mountain’s environmental wildlife habitats — home to black bears, river otters, bald eagles, cougars and elk. And with some special Halloween enrichments, Grandfather’s resident animals will also enjoy some special treats (they’re not really partial to tricks).
There will also be a costume contest, allowing Beary Scary’s young attendees to show off their wild side. Plus, kids in costume receive half-priced admission!