Photography Policy
For decades, photographers have flocked to Grandfather Mountain to photograph the spectacular vistas and unique terrain. Please familiarize yourself with our photography policy, and contact the Communications Team at with any questions. If you are writing a feature about us, please see our Media Center for more resources.
Personal photography
Taking photographs while on Grandfather Mountain property is permitted for personal use only. Guests wishing to photograph the Mountain must abide by all regular rules and conditions of the park, including but not limited to:
— Refrain from walking on roadways
— Stay on designated trails and pathways at all times. This includes marked nature trails, habitat pathways and designated pathways at the Mile High Swinging Bridge.
— Do not move, remove or alter the park property or natural landscapes without prior written approval from the Communication Team.
Commercial Photography
All commercial uses of photography taken at Grandfather Mountain are prohibited without written consent from the Communications Team. Requests must be made at least two weeks in advance. Requests for photo sessions outside of regular park hours will not be granted.
These policies also apply to MacRae Meadows.
Please note that the Grandfather Mountain State Park has its own procedure for approval of commercial photography or filming. Contact State Park Superintendent Andy Sicard at (828) 963-9522 for information.
Aerial Photography
Recreational aerial photography of Grandfather Mountain, including the use of unmanned aerial vehicles or drones, is strictly prohibited. Commercial aerial photography is prohibited without consent from our Communications Team, available during regular office business hours, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Requests must be made at least two weeks in advance.
Other Guidelines
The image, logos and name of Grandfather Mountain are registered trademarks and cannot be used by outside parties without permission from the Grandfather Mountain Stewardship Foundation.
The Stewardship Foundation reserves the right to charge fees associated with photography and/or film sessions as deemed necessary by our Communication Team or to modify our policy based on the nature and required conditions of the requested session.
To obtain consent for a filming or photography project, please email or call (828) 733-2013.