Thank You to Our Donors
Many friends of the Mountain have invested generously to create the new Conservation Campus and Wilson Center for Nature Discovery (opened July 2022). We are grateful! They are a force for nature and together we will share the wonders of the mountain and fulfill Grandfather Mountain Stewardship Foundation’s misson of conservation and education more broadly and deeply than ever before. To date, more than $6.9 million has been given toward the project costs of $8.375 million.
There’s still time to become involved and to Be a Force for Nature if you would like to contribute. Donate now!
A special thanks to the following donors:
Conservation Campus Naming Donors
- Wilson Center for Nature Discovery Given by Bob and Susan Wilson
- Hodges Theater Given by Luther H. Hodges Jr. in Honor of Hugh Morton and Gov. Luther Hodges
- Paul and Susie O’Connell Exhibit Hall Given by Thoresen Foundation
- Leonard Classroom in Honor of Michael and Michelle Merritt Leonard, Lum Leonard and Daughters Sarah and Iris Leonard
- Morton Classroom in Honor of James M. Morton Given by The Frances Hobbs Rose Family
- Williams Outdoor Learning Space Given by Terry & Joe Williams
- Habitat and Education Office Given by Ginny Burton
- Cobey Botanical Garden Given by Munroe and Becky Cobey
Exhibit Naming Donors
- Interactive 3D Map Given by Bruce Barclay Cameron Foundation
- Flora Wall Exhibit Given by The Dickson Foundation
- Fauna Wall Exhibit Given by Gail and Dan Settle
- Mineral Cave Given by Bruce Barclay Cameron Foundation
- Migration Mapping and the World of Birds Given by Kelly & Meredith Graves
- Weather and Climate Exhibit Given by John & Connie McLendon
- Tree Stories and Timeline Given by The McLendon Family
- Shadow Play Given by David and Joanie Andrews
- Panoramic Viewing Tower Given by John and Faye Cooper
- Panoramic Viewing Tower Given by Dan and Debbie Boone
- Panoramic Viewing Tower Given by The Patrick Danehy Family
Additional Campus Naming Donors
- Electric Vehicle Car Charging Station Funded by NC Department of Environmental Quality
- “Lazy Days” Bear Sculpture Given by John and Janne Mack
Boulder Naming Donors
Jerry & Janet Enos | Lory Lockwood & Tony Watts | W. Bennett Love & Laura Kiefer | Tucker & Karen Mann | Mary & Bruce Rinehart | David & Cathy Thompson | Jim & Ann Wood
Learn more about the Fulfilling Promises campaign: